
Wednesday, 30 November 2011

a teenager's energy

A teenager has so much going on their body. Chemicals and hormones flying about all over the place. It's no wonder that they can be challenging to live with. They are impressionable, it is easy for energy to stick to them and for them to bring it into the home upsetting the balance. They are able to throw their energy around, scattering themselves in the process which leads to irrational behaviour, extra fatigue and aggression.
Keeping cool and always sending them the vibration of love is so important at this time in their lives when they are learning to be responsible adults. We are their example.
It is okay to be human, to have disagreements, to argue, to discuss and challenge, but it must be dissolved afterwards with the energy of love and peace. Never go to bed on an argument my Nan used to say - and she was right. The ill feeling and negative energy fester and only serve to make you ill and stressed. Diffuse the situation with apologies and talking, keep the lines of communication open. Never judge, always guide. Our children are not truly ours, we do not own them. We merely have them in our guardianship and it is our job to guide, nurture and give them the life experiences that their soul desires.
Having children in our care is an opportunity for us to soar up the spiritual ladder through our behaviour, kindness and love.
Teenagers may not be cute babies anymore but they need love more than ever. They suffer huge insecurities, have lessons of life thrust upon them when they least expect it. They try to fit into society. They have pressures to perform and achieve. Youth has so many blessings and so many pitfalls.
Teenagers need their space. They need to be alone sometimes. If your teen is having a bad time send them the energy of love and take note of the difference in their behaviour.
Imagine your teen standing before you, imagine that they are surrounded by pink light, the pink light becomes a bubble, the light travels through your teen, it swirls in their aura, it is locked in around them by the bubble. Do the same to yourself and the members of your household, then your house, then your vehicles. Ask for the angels to keep you all safe and guide you.
When you are shouting at your teen or arguing, question if you would speak to or behave in such a way with anyone else's child, or any adult. If the answer is no, then you are disrespecting your child - the most precious person in your life - the person with the most potential to make you proud - the person who is capable of giving you the deepest connection to your heart you will ever experience - the person you made a spiritual promise to of love and raising. Don't fail your children. A teen is not an adult and not a young child. They are in a transitional stage of development and need to have allowances made for the difficulties this can bring. Love and light are the way.
Tomorrow - how to cleanse a teens energy field

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

grief - here and there

When we lose someone close to us, through natural means or through tragedy, it is painful in the extreme. It is difficult to understand death; why someone loved would leave us, especially when they are young and full of life.
Feeling bereft, lonely and sad is natural. The energy of grief has its stages, it is a process that must be gone through and can't be ignored. Anger too is a natural stage of grief and understandable in situations where people have unresolved issues, unsaid words or have left problems and debt behind them.
Grief brings questions not just about life but the purpose of death. For some the questioning of God and His existence are to the fore - afterall why let someone love another only to be broken by their loss? Who could be so cruel - surely not a loving God?
Deep inside most of us there is a desire to believe that there is a God, that we are cared for, loved and watched over and indeed we are, but not in the way that some think.
Higher power is a benign source. It learns via us and our experiences, it will not interfere with our free will and therefore change our fortunes - our soul would not want that. All experience when seen at soul level is valued, however traumatic it may seem at the time.
For those who are grieving a sense of perspective of the overall picture can be helpful, but some are not ready for philosophy - their pain is still too raw. Understanding of the grieving process and the reasons for someones death can help the bereaved to heal, but what about those people that lose someone in extraordinary circumstances or the missing? Where questions are left unanswered? How do those people continue to live in despair?
Could you deny such a person some solace whatever the means? Mediumship can provide that solace. It can answer questions that no-one else can even guess at.
I have given messages to the grieving many times. I have sat with the mother whose son died riding his motorbike. I have held the hand of the father whose son hung himself. I have cried with the sister of a murder victim.
I have also described the appearance and character of the motorbike son and reunited him with his mother when no-one else could. I gave the father of the son a message containing intimate information only they could know. The murdered sister brought love and peace to her distraught sibling via mediumship. All of these meetings were possible through the power of love which cancels out all negative or harmful emotions.
I have many examples of profound experiences that have brought nothing but peace and understanding to my clients. Some I have charged a fee for, but many I have not, especially the more heart-breaking situations - how could I? Could you?
Through the wonderful people I have met I have gained understanding and compassion but also gratitude for the simplicity of my own life in contrast. Grief is helped to heal by understanding the process of death and its meaning for the person who has made the transition to spirit.
A person does not feel pain at the point of death - the spirit will be released before unbearable pain can be experienced. It will decide when enough is enough.
If you have a loved one in the spirit world who you are grieving for remember this:- think of them with love, remember the happy times for they receive the energy of the thoughts you send them. If the thoughts are of love then they will be able to come closer to you and your healing will be quicker. If you send grief and anger, your loved one will receive that energy too. The negative or heavier thoughts will cloud your aura and they will not be able to come close and give you comforting thoughts. If you love them, send them love so that you both heal together. They miss you too. They grieve too but they come to understanding faster than we do here on earth because of the healing and counselling they receive in the afterlife.
Grief is cruel, but is also a fact of life. Our hearts will break time and time again but in the end we will all be together in the light.

spirituality V spiritualist

Spirituality is not the same as being a spiritualist. People do get the two things mixed up but there are differences.
A person who is a spiritualist believes in the existence of the human soul after the death of the physical body. They often believe in reincarnation but not always. Some believe in Jesus Christ as a power and protection source, but not all. Some have a Christian faith and some do not and instead believe that there is a source of power and creation and that it is not for us to name.
Spiritualists who are practising their beliefs do not do anything special in their lives to set them apart from anyone else. They celebrate Christmas and birthdays, they have parties, they drink and eat a normal diet. They attend their church when they can, some prefer the divine service when prayers will be said and others feel more at home with the clairvoyant service where some philosophy will be given prior to messages from spirit via the attending medium. These services offer a means of comfort to the bereaved and bring people together. It would be unfair to criticise the practise without attending for yourself.
A person who has a spiritual outlook on life is not saying that they believe in anything other than being a good person and demonstrating love. Some people are more spiritual than others and that may come about through experiences during their life or simply their upbringing. They are often open minded and accept new experiences easily. They are philosophical about life and the challenges it brings and they value the people in their lives enormously. They are often generous and forgiving but not perfect - none of us are.
A spiritualist medium is someone who has reason to believe in the spirit world because of evidence given to them and their own direct experience of spirit, either sensing or seeing. When such a profound event happens in their lives they are drawn to research more deeply the hidden world. They then may choose to dedicate their lives to providing evidence to others, to training, to teaching and to furthering their own mediumship to a high standard. A spiritualist can be a spiritual person but a spiritual person is not necessarily involved in the belief of the spirit world.
Not everyone who lives under the label of spiritual has the same outlook, we are all different with our own ways of looking at life. Our experiences make us unique. There are good mediums and there are bad, there are wonderful people in the world and some you would rather not get to know. You can't like everyone and it's alright to be choosy who you allow to get close to you but not everyone should be thought of as the same just because they profess an interest in a certain way of life. There are many arms to spirituality and we can all find our place. Live well and harm no-one.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

A noisy spirit - the poltergeist

If I was being ignored I reckon I would chuck a few things around and get a little noisy after a while don't you?
People fear the noisy spirit, the ghost but it is just a person. Just. A. Person.
A person who is frustrated, stuck between here and there, feared and ignored. Misunderstood and desperate for help.
When a spirit is trapped or earth-bound, they haven't crossed over to the spirit world properly and have hung back for any number of reasons. Their guides and loved ones that come to collect them cannot force them to cross over, they have to be willing and ready.
People can become trapped for a long, long time, hundreds of years. During that time the spirit person's awareness shrinks and they become the sum of their emotions. They can be sad, angry, confused, hateful, afraid or any combination of those feelings.
When we sense a ghost or earthbound spirit we pick up on their emotion and may feel their fear or anger which in turn frightens us as we can mistakenly think it is directed at us.
Knowledge is power. Understanding their predicament and being able to talk to them and using techniques to hold their attention whilst you speak to them all help to rescue them. That's all spirit rescue is - showing a lost soul the way home. It is a very humble form of mediumship as is healing and is undervalued by today's attention seeking celebrity mediums in my opinion. It is the backbone of mediumship and by contrast is highly valued in the higher realms of our existence and by those who reside there.
No medium can do it alone, there is usually someone on the other side to meet the spirit and failing that an angel will greet them. No-one is abandoned, no-one is unloved.
It is a sorry day when a ghost hunting party, complete with resident medium, try to track a spirit, speak to it, ask it to make a noise, in some cases goad it, then leave the ghost in situ for the next event. Do they forget that it is a person? A soul just like themselves? Someone's child or parent, someone lost?
If we are to believe that we are all one then it becomes easier to extend our love to others for they are the part of ourselves that needs healing.

monsters under the bed

We have all had nightmares and those of us with children will be familiar with the screeching or crying child in the middle of the night that claims that monsters are under their bed or in the wardrobe.
So what do you do with a child that insists they are seeing things?
My advice would be not to dismiss it out of hand. Children are very perceptive and some see and sense spirit but also they can pick up on any disturbance within the household and manifest symptoms so that they get attention (not intentionally) of some kind.
For the child that tells you they can see monsters or someone in their room I would be sympathetic and gentle. Ask what the child saw, how it felt, what it said or did and how it made them feel? Where they think it is now and if it's been before or is likely to come back. Do they recognise the person or get a sense of why they have come to see them?
Such questions will reassure the child that you are interested and you will get a measure of what they may be seeing or if it was just a dream.
I would not tell a child to stop being silly or accuse them of making things up. It's important to keep communication channels open with children of all ages and supporting them is a parent's job - even if it is in the middle of the night. A good tip is to empower the child by giving them a technique to send the beasties away. You could have them spraying magic spray into the room to cleanse it, you could give them an angel doll or crystal that will guard them and so on. Protection is about belief of being safe and these mental techniques work.
Children who see spirit are not obvious as the movies depict. They are happy, lively children with friends and interests. This is what draws spirit to them.
As an adult who sees spirit people and energy it can at times be frightening, especially before you understand what you are seeing. With the knowledge and experience I have I can usually work things out quickly but for a child, seeing things that don't make sense can be terrifying. It doesn't mean that they will always see or grow up to be a medium. As we grow into adulthood our responsibilities often take the place of sensitivities we have as children and we become conditioned and numb to our extra senses, then we have to work hard to get them back again!

a simple exercise for mind expansion - symbolism

Below are some simple techniques for expanding the mind with regards to objects. We tend to take things at face value. We see something, we name it as we are conditioned to do, we move on. If we spend longer looking at something we may see more or something different than we at first realised.
There may be subtleties that are easily missed that with a closer look become the beauty of the object in hand.
Take for example a rose. Just a flower. Just a rose. You can see them all the time, they are familiar and innocuous.
To expand your mind you must examine the rose in minute detail and take your time discovering it as though for the first time. You look at the rose, you smell the rose, you notice the velvet of its petals and the way they curl so beautifully. You appreciate its perfection. Is it in full bloom or a bud? What does that signify for you?
Now you notice the colour. The next part of the exercise is to recognise what a rose means to you. Is it love, or a memory of something specific? Does it put you in mind of a relative? Could it be a name? Is a rose personal or something you associate with valentine's day or a wedding? Everyone has their own way of perceiving an object and you must recognise what things mean to you if you are to interpret spirit people successfully.
Now think of the colour of the rose. Whatever colour you have imagined your rose to be is meaningful to you. Spirit will bring their own colours to you for interpretation.
My rose is yellow. It reminds me of my grandma who grew and picked yellow roses because they were her favourite. It also takes me to the summer months when she would harvest the best ones for a vase. So a yellow rose for me means a close bond with another person and the summer months being significant in that relationship. Simple.
Your colour may remind you of a person, a time, a memory or a season. An event, a celebration or a funeral. It could symbolise romance to you. Think about all aspects of the rose and what they evoke in your mind. When you have exhausted examining the flower then you can move on to something else such as a piece of fruit, a vehicle, a tool, a book, a bird, an animal, a colour etc.
Spirit people can only work with the material that is already in your brain. It is very hard for them to plant information in your thoughts without there being something to build on unless you are in a trance state - and that is hard to achieve.
If you want to give structured, thoughtful and intelligent messages then the study of symbolism is important and practise of communication is vital. You don't have to know everything but the more you do know will make you a better and more interesting person as well as a good conduit for spirit.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


Spirit often communicate through symbolism. Imagine if the only way you could communicate was through pictures, you would have to be clever about the way you structured your message to someone so that it was received clearly and as intended. Many mediums rely on pictures received subtley through the third eye to build a structured message for a client. But what are the symbols?
Actually they're not symbols at all, they are just pictures of everyday objects that mean something to the medium. Every medium is different and it takes years of study to become quick and fluent in interpreting a message. Many times the message is misconstrued to mean something similar or not what the spirit person intended to say - often only the client/sitter can know for sure - the medium is reliant on their feed-back.
For example, if a spirit person impressed upon me the image of a daisy I would interpret that to mean summer, the month of August to be precise. My guides know that's what the daisy means to me and will help the spirit person to communicate their message through me. A daisy to another medium may mean a person, the name of a pet or a pattern on fabric. It's all down to personal experience and interpretation.
The colour pink to me means feminine love, the love of a mother or grandmother being sent to the client. To someone else it could be a colour that they can't stand or the colour of medicine or a name or even a baby girl.
It takes years of practise and giving messages, studying the craft of mediumship and communication to be able to pass on a meaningful reading with depth and accuracy. You need intelligence and empathy towards people to understand their problems and to get close to their energy so that they trust you enough to allow the message to come through naturally - without fighting for the information - which brings about a successful and healing sitting.
There is a huge responsibility on the part of the medium too and many novices and amateurs forget that. To give another person advice, that you say is from spirit (therefore passing the onus from yourself onto spirit), to have them accept that advice and perhaps act upon it is an honour and not something to be taken lightly. A medium has the ability to assist to change a person's life and that change should always be a positive one. A student of the esoteric has to have the best intentions at heart, must not cause harm and always work with love and kindness. There is no place for resentment, anger or any negative emotion when working with energy.
If you want to be a medium, healer or therapist of any kind then strive to be the best that you can be. Study your subject, immerse yourself in it, learn all there is to know. I have studied the paranormal and spirituality and religion for more than twenty years and still learn more on a daily basis. I will never be done - I will never know it all but I can be a good person, have integrity and be honest and teach what I have learned to others and so can you.
Tomorrow on this blog - a simple exercise to explore your thoughts on different objects which will expand your interpretation of symbolism ability.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

How to connect to the spirit world

It's the question everyone wants the answer to. Surprisingly it's easy to connect to the spirit world, whether you should or not is your decision. There are plenty of books and websites out there that will give you methods of contact so I have no problem with giving you an easy method here on my blog. This works for me and for many other mediums, it is safe as long as your intentions are good ones and you work with love. Try and work for self gain or manipulation of others and you're on your own, I'm not coming to fetch you from where you're going. So - the connection.
First find a place to sit down. Somewhere not too comfortable that you could go to sleep and not lying down because you will definately will drop off!
Make sure you are not hungry but have not just eaten a heavy meal, have water by your side, switch the phone off.
Close the curtains if you want to, have music if you want to, surround yourself with crystals if you want to - please yourself but none of these will make any difference to your connection. If spirit want to commune with you they will come regardless.
Whether you believe in a protective higher power or not is your choice, however it is always a good idea to ask the Source for protection when you work with spirit. I say a little prayer at this point, acknowledge how cared for I am, state that I work with love and ask for protection and guidance whilst I try to evolve. (psychic protection is ultimately your own responsibility. Guides will help if you ask but the object is to get you to be responsible for your own thoughts, actions and safety.)
Next take a few deep breaths and relax. Sit upright with your palms uppermost resting on your knees and your legs uncrossed, feet planted on the floor. Eyes closed but if you prefer them open - do that. We all sense in different ways.
Next imagine before you a gate. Any kind of gate, spirit don't care. Open the gate and walk through. This is you beginning to meet the spirit world half way. Close the gate after you. Don't worry you will be able to get back through it.
Imagine a path in front of you. There is only one path, to the left is forest or whatever you like and to the right is water or forest, again whatever you like. Your job is to stay on the path and walk ahead. Notice the flowers that border the path, notice the light that surrounds you, look at things close up, examine them for detail, how do you feel?
Then imagine a park bench on the right-hand side of the path and go and sit on it. Pick a flower that grows by the bench and look at its colour, the shape of the petals, smell its perfume, feel the velvety petals. Then notice a face emerging from the centre of the flower. It will be someone you know, someone in spirit who loves you and wishes to be remembered. When the person is clear in your mind look to your right and they will be sitting beside you on the bench.
Have a chat. A laugh. Share a memory. Arrange to meet again in the same place.
To come home all you need to do is to say goodbye and walk back down the path, through the gate, and bring your awareness into your body.
Put your hands together in the prayer position and imagine locking your astral body (which looks just like your physical one) back into you. Finally imagine small roots growing from the soles of your feet into the ground - to ground you so that you are not spaced out, dreamy or unable to concentrate.
Then - you're done. You can try this two or three times a week for ten to twenty minutes but no more to begin with. Try to sit around the same time each time so that spirit know where to find you and you build some discipline. Take a note of what you see so that you can record your progress.
At the very least you will have had a few minutes meditation and at best you will make a connection that will uplift you and give you strength for the future. So there you have it; easy peazy.

Friday, 18 November 2011

when spirit want you

It's all very well us here trying to connect with the spirit world but what about when they want to tell you something?
When someone passes to spirit they essentially stay the same, except they don't have a physical body or needs any more. Their character and personality however, remain. They may have more understanding and be more tolerant or humorous but you will still recognise them if they come to you in a reading.
When your head is busy with modern life and its distractions we forget to access our inner selves and connect with our own spirit so what chance do our spirit friends have of contacting us?
They have numerous methods of getting our attention but they are mostly subtle and mustn't intrude on our own thoughts too much or influence our choices too strongly - they are not allowed to interfere with our free will.
The most common connection is by dreaming about someone who is in spirit or living. This possibly means that spirit are trying to connect you to someone who needs your help or support or if you dream of a dead loved one that they are trying to give you a message. Try to analyse these dreams as they are special and usually hold a symbolic message that needs a bit of thought.
Another way that spirit can connect with us is by coincidence. They give us a thought, we recieve it and think it is our own mind, then a moment later you hear the song, hear or speak the words, or see a picture that connects all the things together. Don't dismiss coincidence as nothing. The other way they reach us is via others. I don't mean just through mediums but by our friends and family. When someone is thoughtful and gives us a card or gift just because they wanted to or calls us, it is lovely and is often influenced by spirit. Those kinds of gifts often come to us when we need them the most.
A favourite song is played just as you happen to turn the radio on, you notice the flowers that someone loved, any visual reminder could be spirit giving you a nudge.
They can of course come to us in visitation too. This is when they temporarily leave their spirit home and pass through the dividing dimensions to ours. We can sense them when they are that close and it is what happens when mediums work. When they are near you it can make you feel like you're being watched, you may smell a perfume or cigarette smoke or other familiar odours that you connect to a person. You may hear their breath, hear movement or even speech. If you are lucky you may even get a glimpse of them.
The best way to connect with them though is through meditation. There are different ways to meditate and everyone does it differently. With practise it is possible to be able to tune in very quickly when sensing spirit. It is a last resort when spirit start moving things or pushing things off shelves and tables to get your attention. By this time they are becoming frustrated at your lack of awareness!
If you do decide to tune in and meditate for contact always work with love and good intention and keep your sense of humour - you'll need it.

Thursday, 17 November 2011


The simple answer is yes, it does. It's more common than people realise and I see it regularly, once you know the signs it's easy to spot.
Religious organisations also recognise that possession exists, the Churches don't employ exorcists for the sake of it and in recent times more exorcists have been trained to deal with demand. The Catholic church admits that it has exorcists and always has, it documents and relates stories of possession and their subsequent cleansings, there are no secrets. They have even made TV shows to demonstrate the depth of the problem.
The best tip to spotting possession is to learn to read eyes. It's said that they are the windows to the soul and in part that statement is true. We have all seen pictures of criminals or terrorists in the newspapers and we see the expressions on their faces, we see the blackness in their eyes and we say 'how could anyone not see it? it is so obvious.' It really is that clear to see, you just have to bother to look. We all see people on TV who are full of arrogance, over-confident without the talent or ability to back up their boasting. Such people are not just simple minded they are instead possessed.
There are different grades of possession. A mild case would be someone whose personality only demonstrates the lower self. Such a person may have many vices, be obsessed with sex, smoke and drink too much, be over-confident, arrogant and over-bearing, they may have little respect for others and insist that they are always right.
Someone who has a spirit or entity within their aura may have subtle personality changes and ideas that don't seem to be their own. They may withdraw from people and act out of character. They may also be more tired than usual as the attached entity draws energy from them, its aim is to get into the physical body so until then it keeps a low profile and hides in the energy of its host so as to remain undiscovered. (A note to the healers amongst you - you should always cleanse a client before giving healing energy or you will be merely feeding the entity and making it stronger.)
When the entity gets into a persons chakras more profound personality changes will take place. You may notice a definite change in behaviour with the person concerned changing almost from one minute to the next. They will be argumentative, disrespectful, full of self importance, swear, be aggressive or passive aggressive. Also they will become manipulative, crafty and lie to get their own way. They can smoke more, drink more, perhaps take drugs and be more sexually active and aggressive during sex. They are self-interested and hard faced, their character changes although the basic self remains and you will recognise them, you will feel uncomfortable around them and would rather not be with them.
A demonic possession will be all of the above incorporating childish behaviour and pettiness coupled with  violence both physical and mental. They will display loss of control, temper and anger when obstacles are put in their way and all of the above will be exaggerated. They are more ambitious, want fame and have less inhibitions. They will do everything that is bad for their health, the aim of the demon is to destroy the spirit, the light that is carried by it and to feed from the negative energy the possession creates until the ultimate destruction of the possessed person. The demon will lthen move on to the next host.
The earlier a possession is recognised and dealt with the better the chances are for a full recovery.
My tip is to look people in the eyes, get the measure of them by what you see and sense. Don't worry too much about people who can't look you in the eyes in return, some people are shy, sensitive or private, they have nothing to hide but don't have the confidence to meet you head on. A demon or bad spirit will more often look right at you to intimidate you so take the opportunity to have a good look.
Usually people who end up possessed are weak minded in some way, but all possessions can be healed by someone who knows what they are doing.
Possession is not to be confused with mental illness conditions. There is an overlap at times of the two but mental conditions also exist and have their own identity, each case must be examined individually.
To avoid possession yourself, be good, take of yourself and those you love. Don't over-indulge. Take exercise, laugh a lot, have a good work-life balance, see friends and don't brood over things that go wrong. Life throws many challenges our way and most people don't have time to worry about spiritual matters as well as physical ones but it pays to be aware of your inner self and its needs, your moods and when you're not feeling yourself. Most people can shake off a potential possession by being balanced and laughter and happiness always shake the grip of the negative forces right off.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Ego and mediumship

The ego is an intangible thing and yet we all know someone with a big opinion of themselves and we see such people on reality shows constantly. The person with the huge ego is the only one not to see that they speak utter rubbish, that no-one takes them seriously or they make idiots of themselves. Most of us can spot this person, remove ourselves from their company and avoid them but what if you are that person - even just a little?
How do you know when your ego is getting the upper hand of your personality?
When I was a developing medium this subject came up time and time again and it is important to eliminate the voice of the ego - or your lower self - in order to be successful at receiving information from spirit and higher evolved beings.
There are several reasons why the ego of another person is offensive to us but when working in the subtle realms it is dangerous. See my earlier post 'like attracts like.'
There is a wonderful book available written by Eckhart Tolle that describes the ego perfectly called The Power of Now. If you are trying to develop as a medium, a healer or as a person - this book needs to be read. Techniques in the book show you how to quieten the voice in your head - you know the one that natters all the time, it talks away and you are forced to listen. It gives you negative comments, knocks your confidence, tells you that you can't reach higher, makes you believe that you're useless and unworthy, that you'll never amount to anything. It will lie to you and tell you that your life is comfortable as it is, that you shouldn't aim higher and who are you to think that you can be a somebody.
It is a cruel voice. Everyone has one, we all have a lower self after all. We all have a higher self too, the part of us that dreams of success, of love and of wealth. The dreamer in us has it all, the recognition we deserve, the charity we would like to give, the all round good person everyone loves. We all know someone like that too, a person that we gravitate to simply because they are great to be around, they are positive and happy and an inspiration to us.
So why not access the higher self rather than the lower? It sounds simple doesn't it? Too simple to be true even. But of course it is attainable and there is plenty of information to help you achieve it too. The truth is that you have to tell the lower voice to shut up. To go away. That you will no longer listen to it. That it has no place in your life. Then - you have to ignore it - override it with thoughts of success, of change for the better. Imagine yourself being that great person we all have the potential to be, being lucky, having love, having it all. Nurture your higher self, your positive voice, don't listen to self criticism and certainly never listen to others - always follow your heart.
It takes work and a little time, but soon that old nagging voice will quieten and you will have achieved a massive step in your evolution as a person and the growth of your spirit. You will also achieve peace, I don't mean from the noise of the constant chatter - I mean an inner depth of peace that you are in control of your future and able to access the wisdom and creativity we all have within us because you can hear it at last.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

a baby is born

This week a baby girl was born to our family, she is beautiful and will be much loved - but this got me thinking. When a child is born to us it is usual to celebrate, to be grateful that the baby is healthy and to welcome the much wanted newborn (in the ideal circumstances). The newborn is a soul just like the rest of us, it has a spirit and its own identity which is seperate from our own. The soul also has friends and loved ones in the spirit world - just like us - so how do the spirits and guides that love this soul feel when it leaves them for a while to come to us?
Many mediums will tell you that when one of us dies and crosses over there are great celebrations in the world of spirit, just at the time when we are mourning deeply here on earth for our partner, friend, loved one. So would it not make sense for the reverse to be true too? When a soul comes to be born to us would not those left behind mourn their loss?
The Universe has a wonderful way of achieving balance and can do so in many ways that we will never come to understand or ways that may seem cruel to us. Understanding or at least accepting the balance, the trade-off, the karma goes a long way to coping with modern demands in our lives. We have a lot to worry about and some of us become bogged down by worrying about global problems that we as individuals are powerless to influence, we cannot take on everything that is wrong, we can only heal ourselves and our immediate environment, but if everyone did that....the world would be a better place.
With rebirth comes sacrifice or loss and in turn further rebirth or renewal. Nothing ever truly ends and we never truly lose anyone, but understanding that is the key to peace.

Monday, 14 November 2011

dead or alive?

Imagine you see the ghost of someone you know. It could be anyone - a relative or friend or even someone famous. Would you assume that the person concerned must have died? I expect that you would.
However, it is possible to see the ghost of a living person and it does happen. I could offer you several explanations but the most common reason you would see the ghost of a person you know to be living and well is because they are thinking of you or have something important to tell you.
When we are in the sleep state we all leave our physical bodies and travel in the astral body. The astral body is the replica of our physical body and so we look as we do now. Some practitioners can astrally project whilst still awake or using only light trance techniques but we can all do it when we sleep.
So if a familiar face wakes you in the night it does not necessarily mean that they have passed over, they could simply be visiting you, or wanting to be near you for a while. A person does not need to be dead to astrally project their image to the living.
A good example (I have many) happened just the other night. I was sleeping when I felt the bed move beside me (husband wasn't in bed at the time) I could hear steady breathing and so opened my eyes. I could plainly see my 10 year old daughter laying by me, her head on husband's pillow. She looked peaceful and asleep. She stretched her arms up and out over the pillow then put them to rest on her chest. The room was gloomy but the hallway night light provides enough light for me to see furnishings and make out the layout of the room and things in it.
I reached over to give my daughter a cuddle only to find she wasn't really there. It didn't surprise me that she evaporated in front of my eyes, it has happened before with her and with others. And before you start - yes, I get my eyes tested and no - I'm not nuts and nor was I dreaming. I just see things that you may or may not have done and I have worked to understand the mechanics of how such things occur. It is natural law and nothing to be afraid of. I do get a bit fed up with sceptics who think that they can belittle me or my intelligence and credibility by calling into question my experiences. There is so much evidence in the world if you bother to look for it and opportunities to learn how to sense and see but it takes dedication and a lack of fear to succeed. I just happen to be one of those people who can see and sense, like many before me, and who is brave enough to document it and speak of it. All I ask for is respect from others and mostly that is what I get because 9 out of 10 people I speak to have had a startling encounter or frightening experience themselves that has left them in no doubt about the spirit world. My response to sceptics is to say "When you die you will have to come back to me and say sorry for being rude, because you're going over before me." That usually shuts them up.

Friday, 11 November 2011

How do you know if you've seen a ghost?

Many times people have described their experiences of seeing a ghost to me. Then they often go on to doubt what they saw and try to find a rational explanation for it. That's fine, we should always question our experiences and try to find a scientific reason for any phenomena before coming to the conclusion that something is a paranormal event.
There is one way to tell if you are seeing or feeling a spirit or ghost and it's something we can all do and naturally have available to us.
The trick is this - if you experience an emotion at the same time as sensing or seeing something external to yourself then the chances are that it's a spirit. Spirit people are the sum of their emotions - they no longer have a voice or body to express themselves with. They use our nervous system in a very subtle way in order to communicate with us. Our aura also registers the energy of another being and can pick up information that with practise we can learn to interpret and understand.
We have a habit of brushing aside our emotions when they catch us unawares but next time it happens to you try to hang on to the feeling long enough to work out if the emotion truly belongs to you or if it is being projected to you for the purpose of communication. There is no need to hunt for these experiences - they are everywhere - even in your own home at times. Be open to new sensations, be aware of your sense of self and how your emotions work and you will be able to sense outwardly more easily.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

the dead don't lie...

...or do they?
Most spirit who come during a reading to pass on love and information are very honest about all situations. They can afford to be truthful when their comment comes with love as we all can do here on earth too. Rather than lie they will answer your questions diplomatically and gently but always with your well-being in the forefront of their minds, their desire is to help - not hinder.
There are other spirits though that will lie and deceive you for their own gain. This is where the warnings come in for novices and those that dabble in contacting the dead. I have heard mediums say that protection against the spirits is unnecessary - not true in my experience. It stands to reason that if there are spirit people who pass to the higher plains and are good then there will be those who do not get home, who linger around the etheric level which is close to us and the earth, and will lie and deceive so that they can stay and draw energy from the living. There may be many reasons why a spirit does not pass over properly, fear, anger, worry, attachment to a home or person, death by violence, lack of faith in the afterlife or not ready to die.
Some people are just plain bad - they do not suddenly become good people at death. These people often linger around the living, causing depression, illness, bad luck and strange thought patterns, arguments and electrical breakdowns.
When sitting to contact the dead these are the spirits you don't want around you. You have to protect yourself against them with varied psychic techniques and this is where knowledge is power. I have spent a considerable amount of time cleansing novices of bad energy or spirit entities that they have collected through bad practice. It's true that the Ouija board is dangerous, but only in the wrong hands. It is a tool the same as cards or crystals. The problem arises with the people that use it not having any knowledge about protection and also the usual method of use which is to drink alcohol from the same glass. Alcohol and spiritism do not mix. I refuse to read for people who have had a drink. Alcohol weakens the natural aura protection which can allow entities inside it easily, but makes them hard to get rid of. If you want to work with spirit, join a circle, find out as much as you can, attend workshops and do it properly. When we do dangerous activities we wear the relative protective clothing and activities of the mental kind are no different. The mind is a wonderful tool but at the same time fragile, to do this kind of work you need to be grounded, mentally strong and determined because at times the questions that you will broach can be life changing. Be sensible and go in with your eyes open. Don't believe everything others tell you - alive or dead - ask many questions and always work with good intentions.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

After some work with the higher realms of the spiritual world today I learned something. That's not unusual, but this brought me a new understanding of the survival of the human soul.
I was informed that souls that are damaged, bad, wicked do not always survive in the long run, these souls are in fact corrupt, fragmented and there are parts of their physiology absent. I thought that ALL souls were immortal, that the less developed or criminal ones would evolve over time and become purer but that is not so.
For example, if a serial killer dies and finds himself in the custody of a higher evolved being (which happens - they do not suddenly gain freedom) after rehabilitation he may be offered another chance at life to amend for his crimes in some way (karma) or at least to be a good person. If he accepts the offer and tries again he will be observed for the duration. At the end of his time on earth if he has succeeded in being good he will cross over and will go for further rehabilitation and teaching. If however the soul returns to his old ways during his incarnation at his passing he will be met and be returned to custody in the spirit realms.
The soul must then express regret, remorse and understanding for his crimes before any help is given. If the soul cannot be changed, cannot be healed then the soul will continue to fragment and eventually disintegrate. So the soul is not necessarily immortal but it does exist after death for a long, long time.
There is small comfort to be had for those who have lost loved ones to violence in that for those criminals who are uncaught here on the earth plain there is no escaping their spiritual prison.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

like attracts like

Like attracts like. In spiritual circles this phrase is used alot but what does it actually mean?
Basically it tells us to be kind to everyone if you want other's to be kind to you, to laugh and be happy even when times are tough and happiness will surround you. To be a good person to attract good people to you and good events in your life.
Anger and violence will bring more of those emotions to you as will jealousy and fear. So have a good clear out. Whatever it is that you do to make yourself feel good; walking the dog, running, having a massage, watching a funny show on TV, it doesn't matter as long as it lifts your spirits.
As winter approaches and we become swathed in dark nights and gloomy days it's hard to stay cheerful when travelling to work and everything seems like a hard slog. Spending a little time on yourself can go a long way to improving your mood and keeping you bright, so indulge yourself a little and allow your other halves and loved ones the time and space to do the same because you are boosting your spiritual selves as well as the physical ones.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Sceptisism versus Spiritualism

Many men I meet are sceptics of the spirit world and afterlife as a phenomenon and one they believe to be unproven. This is natural. Men tend to want to see things with their own eyes, to touch them. They think logically, not emotionally. They like to think of themselves as scientific not intuitive. However, spiritualism is a science of discovery. It was never a religion or faith of any kind. In order for spiritualism to be recognised under UK law the term church had to be used for their meeting houses, UK law only recognises such organisations as cults or religions. Anyone who has ever sat in a spiritualist service or particularly a development circle would not be able to doubt the existence of an exterior influence that provides amazing evidence of survival after death every day of the week. I have received such information and given it to others who have often been astounded - as they were sceptics - both male and female.
I don't believe that someone can mock the existence of spirit until they know for sure. So who is the scientist here? the person who denies a phenomena without research or the person who studies and devotes time to discovering the answers for themselves? I know where I sit. I sit with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Daniel Dunglass Homes.
There is a main spiritualist teaching academy at Stansted, England, called the Arthur Findlay College. There in archives lies hundreds if not thousands of tapes, videos and transcripts of evidence of spirit and life after the death of the physical body. Manifestations have been filmed, voices recorded, witness statements gathered. Now, we're not talking about attendees who are nutty, lacking in intelligence or desperate attention seekers. We are talking about professionals, lawyers, police officers, medical staff, bankers and others with responsible jobs and lives. If you look for the evidence there is plenty of it. What most of you see is the celebrity of spiritism. You see Colin Fry, Sally Morgan, people on the road doing shows, sitting in the limelight. You don't see the many years of dedication and hard work, research and personal risk, both public and personal, that dedicated people invest in the progression of research in the spirit world. Science has many fields, just because something remains unseen and unproven doesn't make it impossible.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Wet weather and the dead

It's well known in spiritual circles that wet weather will provide better communication and results of phenomena than a warm summer evening. It is believed that the extra water allows spirit to access our energy fields more easily and connections are more readily made. (see my earlier post on synapse lapse). Electricity needs a conductor and moisture in the air is just that. Anyone who has sat in a psychic development circle will note that on dark, damp winter nights the atmosphere lends itself to medumship in contrast to warm, light and dry ones. Funny old spirit world.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Spirit Rescue

I have been asked rather a lot lately for personal readings, which I have turned down, writing being my main focus just now. I have also been asked about spirit rescue and what it means.
Very simply it is when a medium visits a haunted place or person and identifies a trapped or lost spirit. This is just a person who has lost their way home and become stuck in the ether of our world. These spirits can still influence certain aspects in our physical surroundings such as electricity, water, emotions, movement of small objects and typically all of the symptoms of a haunting.
Why do they mess with our stuff? They are merely trying to get our attention. Imagine being invisible to others, being unable to communicate in your usual way. Being scared of other shadows and what you would see as ghosts but are in fact the evolved spirits trying to get your attention to move you on. How would you get yourself noticed without a voice? My guess is that you would make a noise, interfere somehow with the living so that help may come. A lost spirit is usually distressed, grieving and very confused. Remember that they belong to someone, they are loved by someone and deserve to be treated with respect and compassion. I don't like ghost hunters who don't understand the damage they do to such souls with taunts and tests for them to prove their existence. Next time you hear of a haunting think about who that person is, they are more than just a ghost they are the same as you or I.